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PHP Versions & Configuration


Custom configurations and multiple php versions are only supported when using PHP-FPM or FCGID as php-interface. It is not possible using mod_php which should be avoided due to security reasons.

1. PHP configurations / php.ini

You can manage multiple php configurations (php.ini) for your customers domains. Besides the main ini-settings, depending on your php interface, you can adjust the process-manager settings, enable slowlog, pass Authorization-header (FPM) or the used php-binary and process/requests settings (FCGID) and more.

PHP configurations

1.2 Properties of PHP configuration

1.2.1 PHP-FPM

PHP-FPM config

Select the desired php-version from the selectbox. To manage different version, see 2. PHP-FPM versions below.

Enable slowlog (per domain)

If enabled, a slow-log for each domain with this configuration assigned will be created in the logfile directory (read from settings) with the name [domain]-php-slow.log.

Add "-pass-header Authorization" / "CGIPassAuth On" to vhosts


This is available for apache only

If enabled, enables passing HTTP authorization headers to scripts as CGI variables.

Override FPM-daemon settings

If enabled, the process-manager related settings inherited from the selected php-version will be overwritten. The affected fields are marked with the note Only used if "Override FPM-daemon settings" is set to "Yes"

php.ini settings

You can set and adjust desired php.ini directives and values as needed/required. There are also some replacer variables that can be used to further customize the config based on customer/domain values.

php.ini replacer variables


If you add new directives you need to validate that they are added to the list of available directives in Settings » PHP-FPM as the generated fpm-pool configuration files need a mapping of the directive to the corresponding section, e.g. php_flags, php_values, php_admin_flags and php_admin_values

1.2.2 FCGID


FCGID is available for apache only

PHP Binary

Path including the binary of the corresponding php-cgi version, e.g./usr/bin/php-cgi or /usr/bin/php8.1-cgi

File extensions

Allowed file-extensions that should be passed to the fcgid-handler, default is php.

PHP Processes for this domain

Define the value for PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN or leave empty for default (see Settings » FCGID)

Maximum php requests for this domain

Define the value for PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS. The maximum requests allowed on a per domain base, default can be adjusted in Settings » FCGID


This value sets the desired default permissions for created files by the php-handler, the default value for this can also be globally set in Settings » FCGID.

php.ini settings

You can set and adjust desired php.ini directives and values as needed/required. There are also some replacer variables that can be used to further customize the config based on customer/domain values.

php.ini replacer variables

2. PHP-FPM versions

Froxlor allows management of multiple php-fpm versions. For Debian/Ubuntu this can easily be achieved by using the repository, or ppa:ondrej/php on ubuntu respectively. Then simply install the desired version with the required/needed extensions.

Manage different PHP versions

2.1 Properties of PHP-FPM versions

php-fpm restart command

Enter the service/systemctl command to restart the specific php-fpm version, e.g. service php8.1-fpm restart

Configuration directory of php-fpm

This is the target directory where all the domains pool-configs will be generated into. This is a froxlor-managed directory, you should not create custom files in there as they will get deleted by the cronjob. To find the correct folder, check the php-fpm.conf file for something like this (default):include=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/*.conf. This means the configuration directory should be set to /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/.

Process manager control (pm)

Choose how the process manager will control the number of child processes. Possible values: static, ondemand, dynamic. For more information, see

Allowed extensions

Limits the extensions of the main script FPM will allow to parse. This can prevent configuration mistakes on the webserver side. You should limit FPM only to the .php extensions to prevent malicious users to use other extensions to execute php code.

Custom configuration

Add custom configuration to each PHP-FPM pool-configuration, for example pm.status_path = /status for monitoring. The replacer variables below can be used in this setting. Possible values can be found on (note that froxlor generates the required ones for you automatically).


The config won't be checked for any errors. If it contains errors, PHP-FPM might not start again!

Custom config replacer variables